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Oakworks Vascular with Fowler EA Table
Incorporates ergonomic features and comfort with new powered features that speed up exam times and make positioning patients easier.
Recommended For:
- Venous reflux studies
- All other vascular exams
- Abdominal & superficial structures exams
- Musculoskeletal exams
- Biopsies

- Safely position clients for Venous Reflux studies
- Dual towers & electric fowler makes 70° reverse Trendelenburg a reality
- Split foot board design allows non-weight bearing exams and fold down out of the way for carotid artery exams
- Designed by leading Ergonomic Specialists and exceeds the “Industry Standards for Sonography”
- Sleek base design promotes unobstructed compatibility with ultrasound equipment ensuring better ergonomic conditions for the sonographer