MRI Refrigeration & Helium Services

OEM Quality At Affordable Prices

MXR Imaging provides helium fills, coldhead and compressor replacements, magnet monitoring, and cryo-refrigeration service agreements. 

MXR Vision is our proprietary magnet-monitoring device that comes with the purchase of all Platinum Certified MRI scanners, and is a feature found in our full service agreement offering. It provides you 24/7 monitoring of the magnet’s critical components and environmental systems; maximizing your uptime and throughput potential. 

Specializing in Leybold and Sumitomo MRI refrigeration products, MXR Imaging can provide refrigeration maintenance contracts, time and materials service, as well as flat fee preventive maintenance for GE, Siemens, and other MR magnets. MXR maintains an extensive inventory of MRI refrigeration OEM quality parts so we can perform your maintenance in the most efficient and cost-effective way possible.

Anywhere in the U.S. and Canada, MXR Imaging service engineers are ready to resolve your MRI Refrigeration Equipment issues with total satisfaction.

MXR Vision Predict and Prevent Service

A Remote Diagnostic and Real-Time Alert Service

MXR Vision continuously monitors and records critical operating parameters of the cryorefrigeration system, as well as, incoming power and equipment room environmentals.

With MXR Vision’s remote access feature, potential problems are immediately identified, alerts sent and corrective action plans developed and initiated before catastrophic system failure or cryogen loss can occur.

MXR Vision continuously monitors and tracks:

  • Helium Level
  • Coldhead Efficiency
  • Compressor Power
  • Chiller Temperature
  • Chiller Water Flow
  • Magnet Vessel Pressure
  • Equipment Room Temperature and Humidity