Fujifilm OASIS Velocity Open MRI

High Performance True Open MRIThe patient satisfaction advantages of true high field Open MRI combined with cutting edge reconstruction software and workflow-engineered RF coils. Sensitive RF coils and powerful imaging system architecture deliver high image quality and high-field throughput. Differentiate your practice, increase your volume, enhance your imaging excellence with Velocity.
- 82 cm wide table with 20 cm lateral movement and 660 lb capacity accommodates patients of all sizes
- IP-RAPID: Accelerated 2D scans for all body parts, accelerated 3D TOF MRA boosts SNR for excellent image quality
- Integrated RF coil technology
- 16 channel RF system
- 33 mT/m, 100 T/m/s gradients
- Blanket coil technology provides maximum convenience, flexibility, comfort and performance