Safety Precautions To Take When Operating An MRI And MRI Safety Zones
Your Guide to Operating an MRI Safely
An MRI generates high-powered
magnetic fields to capture diagnostic images. As you can imagine, there are
some very important safety protocols that must be put into place to operate an
MRI without risk. It's one of the reasons why an MRI must be installed in its
own specialized room. The following is a guide that will help you understand
the safety concerns regarding the operation of an MRI and what must be done to
help ensure the safety of your patients and staff.
When Can Operating an MRI be Dangerous?
MRIs are often considered safer than
other diagnostic imaging systems due to the lack of radiation produced. Instead
of using X-rays, MRI systems produce powerful magnetic fields and radio waves.
Although an MRI exam does not cause any kind of pain or tissue damage, there
are a few potential risks, including the following:
- Magnetic attraction
- The magnets used in MRI systems are extremely powerful. Many closed MRI
systems are built using a 1.5T magnet, which produces a magnetic field
almost 21,000 times greater than the earth's natural field. This kind of a
magnetic field will cause metal objects in the vicinity of the MRI to be
drawn through the air to the MRI system. When these objects become
airborne, they can pose a serious threat to anyone or anything in its
path. Even something as small as a paper clip could reach a terminal
velocity of 40mph when pulled in by a 1.5T magnet.
- Electronic disturbances - When a magnetic field is generated, it can cause
disturbances to electronic devices. This means it could cause cell phones,
analog watches, cameras, and more to shut down or malfunction. It will
also erase credit cards and debit cards with magnetic strips. More
alarmingly, the magnetic field an MRI produces can cause hearing aids and
pacemakers to malfunction.
- Magnet quench
- A quench occurs when the magnetic field generated by the MRI is
completely shut down, whether on purpose or by accident. When a quench
happens, the magnet coils experience a sudden loss of absolute zero
temperature. This causes the magnet coils to become resistive instead of
superconducting, thereby eliminating the magnetic field and resulting in
the escape of helium (which will turn from a liquid into a gas) from the
cryogen bath at a rapid pace. Gas helium that isn't ventilated out of the
room will displace the oxygen in the room, which can lead to asphyxia.
- Thermal burns
- Thermal burns are rare, but they can occur when the radio-frequency
field generated by an MRI induces currents in wires that are on or near
the patient. Prolonged imaging can also result in the core body
temperature of the patient to rise.
- Hearing issues - Although not as problematic as the previously listed risks, MRI systems are quite loud, which means patients could potentially experience some hearing issues following their scan.
Some of these risks are obviously
serious, but they can be all but eliminated completely as long as the proper
safety precautions are followed.
Safety Precautions MRI Operators Need to Follow
Considering all of the potential
risks that can occur during the operation of an MRI, it's absolutely essential
that your staff follow every possible precaution to ensure the safety of both
your patients and your employees. The following are some of the safety precautions
you should take:
Follow All Rules of Conduct and Best Practices
Implement these rules for all staff
who not only operate your MRI system but for all who enter the MRI room:
- Empty pockets
- Before entering the MRI room, both patients and staff should remove
everything from their pockets, including things like smartphones, pagers,
keys, pens, change, and more. If anyone forgets to empty their pockets,
any electronic devices can end up malfunctioning while metal items could
become dangerous projectiles.
- Wear MRI-compatible clothing - Some types of clothing may contain metallic
microfiber, which can cause thermal burns. It's important that patients
are provided with scrub tops and bottoms before being scanned.
- Keep MRI room closed
- The door to the MRI room should be kept closed at all times unless
someone is entering or exiting the room. This will help reduce RF noise
during imaging and ensure that the magnetic field won't disturb anything
outside of the room.
- Check MRI system before scan - The bore should be thoroughly inspected for any
unplugged surface or body flex coils. Scans should never be performed if
these are present.
- Only use approved equipment - No research equipment, supplies, or coils should be
used unless it has been approved by an MRI safety committee or official.
- MRI room should be kept clean - Following scans, all equipment needs to be returned
to its proper place to keep the room clean and organized. Coils and
phantoms should never be placed on the floor.
- Never leave patients unattended - Patients being scanned by the MRI should never be
left unattended. If the staff member in charge of overseeing the MRI scan
needs to leave the room, they should get another staff member who is
qualified to cover for them.
- Understand emergency procedures - Every staff member responsible for overseeing MRI
use needs to be familiar with your code procedures in the event of a
medical emergency.
Minimize Staff
Minimize the number of staff present
in the MRI room at any given time to reduce the risk of something going wrong.
The person in charge of screening staff may lose track, resulting in someone
bringing in a ferromagnetic item. Or there may be confusion over who is
responsible for what, leading to mistakes in your safety protocol.
Only level II staff should have
access to your MRI room. These employees should have the training and knowledge
concerning the operation of an MRI system and the safety risks involved. Level
II staff include MRI technologists, MRI nurses, and radiologists. They are
responsible for making the MRI room a safe environment. Level I staff, such as
physician's assistants, ICU nurses, floor nurses, and public safety personnel
should not be granted access to the MRI room unless they are closely monitored
by a member of your level II staff.
No Extra Objects
Besides common ferromagnetic items
that staff and patients may carry on their person (smartphones, keys, change,
etc.), there are other ferromagnetic items that should be kept outside of the
MRI room. In fact, you'll want to limit what's in the room even if it's not
ferromagnetic in order to keep the space clean and clear. Do not bring
wheelchairs, stretchers, monitors, oxygen tanks, or IV pumps in from outside
the MRI room. There are special versions of this equipment that should be kept
within the MRI room at all times.
Scan All Staff and Patients For All and Any Metal Objects
Everyone who enters the MRI room,
whether it's a level I staff member, a patient, or family of a patient, needs
to be carefully scanned by a level II staff member. Not only should all
potentially ferromagnetic items be removed from their person, but they need to
be screened for metal implants. This might include pacemakers, metal shrapnel,
metal in the eyes, heart valve replacements, and more.
If someone does have a metal
implant, an orbital X-ray will need to be performed and the images will need to
be cleared by a radiologist before they can enter the MRI room. Depending on
the conclusion drawn by the radiologist, they may not be allowed in the MRI
Tattoos and Makeup
Besides metal implants, patients
with tattoos or makeup on may experience some discomfort due to fact that some
makeup and tattoo ink contain iron. Patients should remove all makeup and
should inform the MRI specialist overseeing their scan of any tattoos that they
have. The patient should be directed to mention any discomfort they might have
in tattooed areas during the scan.
Noise Protection
The MRI system can be very loud.
Patients should be offered ear plugs to help reduce discomfort caused by the
loud noise as well as help reduce the risk of hearing issues caused as a
What Are MRI Safety Zones?
MRI magnets are always on. Because
of this, safety is an issue at all times. To help ensure safety around the MRI,
the MRI environment should be divided into four zones. Each zone has its own
specific safety requirements and restrictions to follow.
Where are MRI Safety Zones?
The following are the four safety
zones that your MRI environment should be divided into:
1: Outside
Zone 1 consists of the area outside
of the MRI facility. It's completely safe for all staff and the general public
to move around in without supervision. Although there will be some magnetic
fringe fields generated in this area due to the strength of the MRI, they are
so minimal that they will have no effect on anyone in this area.
2: Waiting / Reception Areas
Zone 2 is the waiting and reception
area that lead to the control room. It's a public area that is still safe, but
that should be properly supervised in order to prevent unscreened individuals
from entering into Zone 3. It's in Zone 2 that patient and staff screenings are
typically conducted by level II staff members.
3: Near the MRI Room
The magnetic field generated by the
MRI will be relatively strong in Zone 3. Because of this, nobody should enter
this zone unless they have been fully screened and outfitted with
MRI-appropriate clothing. Zone 3 is also where the computer room and control
room are located. Patients are generally led from Zone 3 to Zone 4, which is
the MRI room.
4: Inside the MRI Room
Zone 4 is where the MRI system is
located and where the magnetic field is the most powerful. There should always
be a level II staff member supervising the room if anyone else is present. All
ferromagnetic objects must be kept out of this room to eliminate potentially
serious injury and damage risks.
In The Event of an MRI Emergency
As long as safety precautions are
taken and safety protocol is carefully followed, MRI emergencies are extremely
rare. However, that doesn't mean an MRI emergency can't occur. If a patient
experiences problems, they will need to be checked for responsiveness and
immediately removed from Zone 4 and taken to a designated recovery area. Code
Blue will need to be called in and a staff member will need to direct traffic
in the hallway outside the MRI room if needed. The door to the MRI room should
be closed before the Code Blue team arrives.
If the patient's life is in danger
and they cannot be removed from the MRI room due to the malfunction of the MRI
equipment, then a quench should be performed. If a fire breaks out in the MRI
room, the patient should be escorted out immediately. Hopefully, your sprinkler
system will be automatically activated. If it's not, a quench will need to be
performed in this situation as well.
When a quench is performed, the MRI
room will need to be immediately cleared. The MRI room should be shut and the
alarm should be pulled. 9-11 will need to be called and a Code Red will need to
be reported. The hallway outside the MRI room will have to be evacuated as
A quench should only be performed in
life-threatening emergencies. Once a quench is performed, the MRI will be
inoperable for weeks. There's also a risk that quenching the magnet will be
irreversible. On top of that, quenching is a dangerous procedure since it can
result in frostbite, asphyxiation, or hearing damage to anyone who remains in
the MRI room for too long following the quench.
Protect Your Patients, Personnel and the MRI
MRIs are considered completely safe
to use as long as your staff follows the proper safety protocols. Safety should
always be a priority and as long as your staff is well trained and doesn't cut
corners, there's no reason to think that your staff or patients will be at
risk. Taking every possible safety precaution will not only protect everyone in
your MRI room, it will also help protect your MRI equipment.
Lindsey |