The History of the X-Ray and Uses Across Time
An Accidental Discovery? A Brief History of the X-Ray
X-rays are one of the most commonly
used diagnostic imaging tests performed within the healthcare industry. X-rays
are a type of electromagnetic radiation similar to regular light rays. However,
unlike regular light, X-rays have shorter wavelengths, making it impossible for
the human eye to see. X-rays also have higher energy and can pass through most
objects. As a result, X-ray machines are able to take photographs of the inside
of an object or person in the same way that a regular camera uses regular light
to take pictures of the outside of an object or person.
To produce an X-ray image, X-ray
machines create X-ray photons, which are concentrated beams of electrons. These
beams are absorbed at different rates within the body. Soft tissue, such as
skin and organs, are unable to absorb these energy rays, which means that they
pass right through. It's the denser parts of the body, such as the bone, that
absorbs the radiation, thereby allowing an image of the inside of the body to
be developed. The x-ray that is not absorbed exits the other side of the body
and then comes into contact with a digital detector. The detector converts the
x-ray energy into visible light to produce the image.
Although they have lots of uses both
in and outside of the medical community, they are used most often to examine
and diagnose issues that patients are having, to monitor diagnosed diseases,
and to track how effectively prescribed treatments are working.
How Were X-Rays Discovered?
As technologically advanced as
X-rays may seem (in particular, the X-ray machines that actually produce the
images), the X-ray itself was discovered a long time ago. The German physicist
Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen is credited for having discovered the X-ray back in
1895. What's even more incredible is that he discovered it purely by accident.
He ended up receiving the very first Nobel Prize in Physics in 1901 for his
At the time of the discovery,
Rontgen was performing tests using cathode rays to determine whether they could
pass through glass. He had been working with a tube consisting of a glass bulb
with positive and negative electrodes encapsulated in it. Rontgen evacuated the
air inside the tube and then applied a high voltage. This caused the tube to
produce a fluorescent glow. He then used heavy black cardboard to shield the
tube. When he did this, he discovered a glow coming from a chemically coated
screen located near the tube. He realized that some sort of ray was able to
pass through the cardboard. Upon further inspection, he realized that they
could also pass through the books and papers located on his desk.
He called the rays that were
producing this glow "X-rays" because of their mysterious nature (the
"X" represented an unknown type of radiation). Rontgen pivoted from
his study of cathode rays to the study of these new X-rays, which consisted of
wavelengths that are 1,000 times shorter than the wavelengths of regular light.
Soon after discovering X-rays, Rontgen discovered their medical use after
taking a photograph of his wife's hand using X-rays. This resulted in an image
of her hand's skeletal structure. Upon seeing the image of her hand, his wife
commented that she had seen her own death.
Rontgen published his findings two
months after his discovery. Scientists all over the world immediately began to
study X-rays and their potential, including Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla.
Most radiologist’s are aware of Nikola Tesla’s research in the field of
electromagnetism. The International System (SI) unit of magnetic flux density,
the Teslacon magnetic resonance imager, and Teslascan manganese contrast agent
were all named after him. But if the discovery of x-rays is mentioned, only a
few radiologists associate it with Tesla’s name. Edison, however, developed the
fluoroscope, which would become the standard for medical X-ray exams, only a
year after X-rays were discovered.
One of the reasons that X-ray
technology was able to advance so quickly was because Rontgen never applied for
a patent for his findings. This allowed everyone to have access to his
discovery right away, to the greater benefit of the medical community.
X-Rays for Medical Use
X-rays have become incredibly useful
for a wide range of medical conditions. The following are a few examples of
some of the most common medical uses: Chest X-rays - used to help identify lung
diseases, including lung cancer, pulmonary edema, and pneumonia. Abdominal
X-rays - used to detect bowel obstructions, free fluid caused by ascites, and
free air caused by visceral perforations. They can sometimes be used to
identify gallstones and kidney stones as well. Dental X-rays - most commonly
used to help identify cavities in the teeth. Computed tomography - also known as
CT scanning, is a process in which numerous X-ray images are taken in different
angles to produce cross-section images of specific areas of the body. These
images can then be combined into a 3-D image for more accurate diagnostic
purposes. CT scanning was first conceived as an idea by Godfrey Hounsfield in
1967. The first CT scan of a brain was performed in 1971. Fluoroscopy - process
in which a fluoroscope is used to produce real-time moving images of a
patient's internal structures. Fluoroscopes consist of X-ray image intensifiers
and CCD video cameras. They are commonly used to identify coronary artery
blockages, swallowing disorders, and esophageal disorders. Radiotherapy -
process in which X-rays are used as a treatment for managing cancer. Low energy
X-rays are used to treat skin cancers, while high energy X-rays are used for
brain, breast, lung, and prostate cancers.
Unfortunately, early X-Ray machines
had some serious drawbacks. Few realized that X-rays could be harmful until
scientists begun to experience the effects of prolonged exposure to X-rays
without shielding. For example, both Edison and Tesla reported eye irritations
as a result of their experimentation with X-rays. In fact, one of Edison's
glassblowers, Clarence Madison Dally, developed cancer in both his hands as a
result of testing X-ray tubes on his hands. The cancer was so advanced that his
arms had to be amputated in a failed attempt to save his life. Edison ceased
working with X-rays following Dally's death. Several other incidents soon proved
that X-rays could be quite dangerous. For example, Dr. William Lofland Dudley
reported hair loss after being the subject of an X-ray image. Dr. HD Hawks and
Tesla both reported burns as a result of X-ray demonstrations as well. These
incidents occurred because X-rays are radioactive. However, such safety risks
rarely exist today due to the low dosage of radiation used. Scientists
eventually discovered how to control how much radiation was used in taking
X-ray images and what was a safe amount of exposure. Present-day X-rays have
almost no adverse effects on patients. Everyone is exposed to natural background
radiation on a daily basis - the amount of radiation a patient is exposed to in
a chest X-ray is about the equivalent of ten days worth of normal background
radiation we are all exposure to, meaning it should have no effect on the
patient. This doesn't mean that there are no side effects to speak of. In very
rare cases, a patient might experience hives, itching, nausea, or
lightheadedness following an X-ray, but only if they ingested a contrast
material prior to the test. Pregnant women are discouraged from getting X-rays
as well since it's not worth the risk of exposing a fetus to any amount of
X-Rays Have Had Many Other Uses As Well
Although X-rays are more commonly
known for their use in the medical field, X-ray technology has many different
uses as well. The following are a few examples of the different uses of X-rays
throughout the last century or so:
Shoe Fitting
One of the more obscure applications
of X-ray technology was a shoe-fitting fluoroscope. There is a bit of
controversy over who invented the device. Although Clarence Karrer claims to
have invented the shoe-fitting fluoroscope in 1924 to assist an orthopedic shoe
manufacturer, a patent was granted to Jacob Lowe in 1927 for building a
shoe-fitting fluoroscope as a way to diagnose foot problems in veterans.
The shoe-fitting fluoroscope became
quite popular during this time among store clerks. The device consisted of
large wooden cabinets along with two or three viewing scopes. It made it easy
for shoe clerks to identify how well a shoe would fit on a customer's foot,
especially the foot of a child, whose feet were ever-growing. The idea was that
the device would help prevent the customer from buying shoes that would damage
their feet due to a poor fit.
The device became extremely popular,
to the point that over 10,000 units were sold to shoe stores throughout the
country. However, these devices exposed the feet to high doses of radiation
that were ultimately deemed unsafe. More and more reports came out detailing
incidents of skin burns as well as issues regarding the stunting of bone
cartilage. By 1970, the device was banned in 33 states. Soon after, it was
banned country-wide.
Hair Removal
One of the common side effects
reported by researchers in the early days of X-ray research was the loss of
hair. Beauticians and physicians alike saw the benefits of such a side effect
as a way to remove superfluous hair. In particular, Albert C. Geyser began
training beauticians in the use of X-ray machines and then leasing devices to
them for use in salons throughout the country.
Beauticians used their X-ray devices
to expose their customers to four-minute long doses of X-rays to their faces.
While it certainly removed hair as advertised, it also resulted in numerous
other side effects, including wrinkling, keratoses, atrophy, ulcerations,
carcinoma, and in some cases, even death. Bad press effectively banned the
device before the FDA had a chance to officially do so.
Unfortunately, the consequences were
already severe. It's estimated that there were thousands of victims, many of
whom developed cancerous growths and tumors. One study estimated that in 1970
more than a third of all radiation-induced cancer found in women over a 46-year
period could be traced back to X-ray hair removal procedures.
The X-ray microscope functions
similarly to that of a normal microscope albeit with the use of X-rays. The
first X-ray microscope was invented by Ellis Coslett and William Nixon in 1951.
The X-ray microscope allows researchers to examine the hidden structures in
things like wood, metal, rock, bone, teeth, and ores.
Unlike the ill-fated shoe-fitting
fluoroscope and hair removal device, the X-ray microscope continues to be
relevant today. Recently, more powerful X-ray microscopes have been created
that provide higher resolution images allowing for the study of biological
specimens, geological samples, and more.
Airport Security and Border Control
Due to the ability of an X-ray to
penetrate through objects, it's become incredibly useful as a tool for security
purposes. X-rays are used every day to improve security at airports and along
border crossings. This is because they allow guards to see what people are
carrying with them to determine if there's anything illegal or dangerous on
their person or in their luggage.
Airports use a conveyor belt system to scan luggage through a large X-ray machine. Security personnel carefully evaluate the X-ray images produced of each item to identify anything that might be dangerous, hazardous, or illegal before allowing the passenger to collect their luggage and head to their boarding gate.
Border agents use larger X-ray
machines at border crossings to scan entire vehicles. There has been some
controversy over the use of these X-ray machines since they do use a larger
dose of radiation to develop images of entire vehicles.
Scientists discovered that the sun
produces X-rays as early as the 1940s. However, in 1962, the first cosmic X-ray
source was discovered. Dubbed "Scorpius X-1," the X-ray source is not
only the strongest known X-ray source in space, it's an estimated 9,000 light
years away from Earth. This discovery resulted in the field of X-ray astronomy.
X-ray astronomy is a field concerned with X-ray observation and detection from astronomical objects. There are thousands of X-ray sources throughout space that have been discovered since Scorpius X-1. However, because X-rays are absorbed by the earth's atmosphere, instruments built to detect X-rays must be taken to a high altitude in order to function. This is accomplished through the use of sounding rockets, balloons, and satellites. Specialized telescopes that use X-ray radiation allow researchers to see much farther than with standard telescopes, which function using regular light absorption methods.
Looking Towards The Future
The discovery of the X-ray has
allowed for some incredible scientific advancements over the years in many
different fields, most notably within the healthcare industry. Although X-rays
can be dangerous due to their radioactive nature, researchers have found ways
to reduce the doses to a harmless level so that they do not cause negative side
The use of X-rays has been around
for over a century, yet advancements are still being made using X-ray
technology. For example, a few years ago researchers in Singapore and at MIT
discovered that a sheet of graphene (a 2-D form of pure carbon) can be used to
create plasmons (surface waves) when struck by the photons of a laser beam,
which in turn could generate a sharp pulse of radiation.
The discovery could allow for much
smaller X-ray machines to be built that would produce the kind of beams that
current machines can only produce using enormous and costly particle
accelerators. The discovery could also allow for more precise X-ray images as well
as lower doses, making them safer and more effective.
As advancements such as these
continue to be made, it's likely that it will lead to even more scientific
discoveries in numerous fields, especially in observational astronomy and the
healthcare industry.
Lindsey |